Help us raise $10,000 in July!
Don't forget, every dollar you donate is a great help for our programming.

01 May 2017

Western Avenue Community Center
10:00am - 3:30pm

We are thrilled to announce that Fiesta Cinco de Mayo 2017 raised $8,870.04 for the Hispanic Outreach Program at WACC and will enable us to continue to serve Latino children, families and individuals all year long.


Our success is due to the generous sponsors of our event - Mr. John Schoening, American Family Insurance Agent Kathy Alwes-Petri, Afni, Health Alliance, Mr. Eric Rehtmeyer, Mr. Michael Jones, and Mr. Jay Taylor - as well as to the absolutely amazing crowd of families and individuals who bought tickets to our event, enjoyed delicious tacos & tamales, and participated in a celebration of Mexican culture right here in Bloomington-Normal. If you missed this year's event please mark your calendar for next year!  Thank you to all our sponsors!


The Bianca Boys!

Carla Barnes playing Loteria.



Folkloric Dancers entertained everyone.

Bottle Dance!




Denny and Saul at the Fiesta.



Kitchen volunteers!

The bar!